2024 Acquisition Results

Neerim Bower Acquisition – Community Bank Neerim District

Equal first – Graham Duell – ‘’Albatross’”

Graham Duell’s “Albatross” casts a strong form that directly references the bird with the largest wingspan. The judges were drawn to how Graham placed the bird with a side profile, a modest yet elegant technique that also allows the piece to be effectively and efficiently placed in situ.

Equal first – David Doyle ‘’Cow & Calf with Birds’’

David Doyle’s “Cow & Calf with Birds” is reminiscent of Judge David’s own childhood as the son of dairy farmers, so for him the piece is tinged with nostalgia of simpler times. The judges considered the versatility of where it could be placed in the undulating Neerim landscape and the quality and simplicity of the materials and motif, which makes elegant use of positive negative space. We look forward to passing by and appreciating this understated yet profound work in future.

Highly commended – Paul Stafford – ‘’Harris Hawk’’

Highly commended – Don Barrett – ‘’Swoop’’

Highly commended – Christopher Anderson – ‘’Majestic’’

IGA Neerim South Small Sculpture Award

The Small Sculpture Prize was particularly challenging due to the overall quality of the work by so many of the artists involved. Well done to all.

Equal first – Olivia O’ Connor’s – “Eagle Hill” 

Olivia O’ Connor’s “Eagle Hill” presents us with a striking composition of both grace and simplicity, evoking the Wedge-Tailed Eagles that can be seen flying high together as pairs in the Gippsland skies. With delicate and quality carving, careful choice of materials and contrasting forms, this piece is truly masterful.

Equal first – Liz Walker’s – “Birds Flying High”

Liz Walker’s “Birds Flying High” is indicative of Liz’s feather and cascading motifs. Her combination of an archway with falling feathers made of textured vintage brass work to create a profound metaphor evoking the fragility of life. This, coupled with an expert attention to detail, made for a superb sculpture and artwork of the highest quality.

Highly commended – Faustas Sadauskas – ‘’Weather -Vane’’

Highly commended – Janice Hunter – ‘’Murmuration’’

Highly commended – Christopher Anderson – ‘’Hillarious’’

Highly commended – Jonathan Foley – ‘’Art Gives you Wings’’

Highly commended – Effrossini Chaniotis – ‘’Aphrodite’s Palace’’

Peoples Choice Award – “Cruisin the Ocean” by Peter Grima

The raffle was drawn at the close of the Sculpture Acquisition on Sunday and the Winners were:

Balckwood Cheeseboard on Stand made by Kieth GrahamJenny Ryrie
Jindi Pig $100 Meat VoucherCindy Van Ray
Jindi Pig $100 Meat VoucherM Elliott
Five Aces $100 VoucherSue Walden
Five Aces $100 VoucherKaren Heyward
Misty Hill HamperCheryl Wilson
Voucher for Cut & Blow wave – Bombshell StudioHelen Noble
1 x Movie Ticket at Peninsula Cinemas, Warragul Jenny Palmer
1 x Movie Ticket at Peninsula Cinemas, Warragul Olivia O'Connor
1 x $25 Vouchers donated by Misty Hills Nordy Kleverlaan
1 x $25 Vouchers donated by Misty Hills Robyn Burford